Collection management
Care, maintain and preserve your collection for the future



Cataloguing and inventory management


Scholarship research and provenance

Condition report, conservation, and restoration



Logistics and customs

Loan coordination

Installation and lighting




The proper administration and management of an art collection is technical and time-consuming but in the long run this preventive care is worth the effort and expense. I offer a comprehensive range of collection management services to ensure individual artworks and whole collections are correctly documented and archived, optimally displayed and preserved, and safely transported.

I offer logistical and administrative assistance, including advice regarding shipping, import and export licenses, import duties and taxes, insurance, framing, conservation, lighting, installation, security, and storage. I also advise on how to authenticate artworks and facilitate the authentication process on behalf of the client.

Researching, documenting and cataloguing each work is an integral part of collection management. Each artwork is thoroughly examined, researched, fully catalogued and illustrated in accordance with the Object ID standards of the Getty Research Institute. 
My bespoke Collection Management Software is a fully integrated and comprehensive platform especially designed to maintain up-to-date records of art collections and other tangible assets. 

© Chiara Badinella - Via Manfredini 1 - 20154 Milano - P.I. IT00000000000 -